Posts published by Clivant

Clivant a.k.a Chai Heng enjoys composing software and building systems to serve people. He owns and hopes that whatever he had written and built so far had benefited people. All views expressed belongs to him and are not representative of the company that he works/worked for.

How to create a virtual environment for your Python 3 application with python3-venv in Linux or Unix

The python3-venv module allows us to create lightweight “virtual environments” with their own site directories, optionally isolated from system site directories. Given that, we will be able to run multiple Python 3 environments with varying dependencies on the same computer.

This post shows how to create a virtual environment for your Python 3 application with python3-venv in Linux or Unix.

How to make your Raspberry Pi fill up your entire monitor screen by disabling overscan in Raspbian Stretch

After you had booted up Raspbian Stretch for the first time, you may notice that your Raspberry Pi does not fill up your entire monitor screen:

Raspbian Stretch 20181113 not filling entire computer screen

In such a situation, the overscan function in Raspbian could be what you should disable. Given that, this post shows how to make your Raspberry Pi fill up your entire monitor screen by disabling overscan in Raspbian Stretch.

How to download a file via HTTP GET and HTTP POST in Java without using any external libraries

Apart from uploading a file to a HTTP server endpoint, another common task for a Java HTTP client is to download a file from a HTTP server. Even though there are many Java external libraries to help us do so, using the facilities in the Java standard runtime installation is not difficult. Furthermore, we will be able to keep our Java application leaner if we can download files without additional dependencies.

In case you need a reference, this is how to download a file via HTTP GET and HTTP POST in Java without using any external libraries.

How to setup Jupyter Notebook on Ubuntu 16.04 of your Nvidia Jetson TX2 developer kit

When you want to quickly test out your machine learning algorithm, you can create Python 3 notebooks via Jupyter Notebook.

Therefore, Jupyter Notebook is one of the things that you may want to setup after getting started with your Nvidia Jetson TX2 developer kit.

With this in mind, this post shows how to setup Jupyter Notebook on Ubuntu 16.04 of your Nvidia Jetson TX2 developer kit.

How to send an HTTP request to a HTTP Basic Authentication endpoint in Python 3 with requests library

When you are building a Python 3 application for the Internet, you could encounter API endpoints that use HTTP Basic Authentication as the authentication mechanism.

In such a situation, using the requests library in your Python 3 code makes it easier to communicate with those endpoints.

In case you need to build a Python 3 application that sends HTTP request to a HTTP Basic Authentication endpoint, this is how you can do so with the requests library.

How to use a Python 3 virtual environment in Windows 10

When you need each Python 3 application that you are building to run in its own isolated environment, you can turn to virtual environments.

Since Python is available on Windows 10, you can also use virtual environments on Windows 10.

Typically, using a Python 3 virtual environment in Windows 10 involves the following steps:

  1. Installing Python 3 with pip and several features.
  2. Creating a Python 3 virtual environment with Python 3 venv module.
  3. Activating the Python 3 virtual environment.
  4. Installing Python 3 packages that your Python application is using into the virtual environment.
  5. Running your Python 3 application within the Python 3 virtual environment.
  6. Deactivating the Python 3 virtual environment.

How to download a file via HTTP POST and HTTP GET with Python 3 requests library

When you are building a HTTP client with Python 3, you could be coding it to upload a file to a HTTP server or download a file from a HTTP server.

Previously, we discussed how to upload a file and some data through HTTP multipart in Python 3 using the requests library. In this post, let’s see how we can download a file via HTTP POST and HTTP GET.