Tag archive for: rshell

How to setup MicroPython WebREPL on your ESP32 development board

When I wrote about setting up MicroPython on an ESP development board, I came across the WebREPL.

If you setup MicroPython WebREPL on your ESP32 board, then you can interact with your ESP32 board wirelessly.

In case you need it, this is how to setup MicroPython WebREPL on your ESP32 development board.

How to setup MicroPython on your ESP32 development board to run Python applications

When my friend Youssef shared a link to MicroPython, I kept it at the back of my mind. Since I had found some time to sharpen my saw, I decided to take a look at it.

If I get familiar MicroPython, then I can perform machine learning magic with an AIOT board like Sipeed Maixduino Kit with greater ease.

Given that in mind, here are the steps that I took to setup MicroPython on my ESP32 development board to kickstart my learning.

In case you wish to setup MicroPython on your ESP32 development board to run Python applications, read on to find out more.