How to turn on WiFi Personal hotspot on your iPhone so that multiple devices can connect to the Internet

When you want to get multiple IOT devices to send data to the Internet, your iPhone can be very handy. After all, you can connect those devices to the Internet via your iPhone WiFi Personal hotspot.

Whenever you need some reference, you can read this post to understand how to turn on WiFi Personal hotspot on your iPhone.

First, tap on the Settings icon from your iPhone home screen:

Cropped iOS home screen with settings icon boxed

Once you are in the Settings screen, tap Personal Hotspot:

Cropped Settings page with Personal Hotspot option in off state and boxed

Next tap on the toggle switch to turn on the Personal Hotspot on your iPhone:

Cropped Personal Hotspot screen with toggle switch to turn on Personal Hotspot boxed

When your Bluetooth is not turned on, you will see the following prompt:

Prompt to turn on Bluetooth or continue with enabling Personal hotspot through Wi-Fi and USB only

Turn on Bluetooth if you want to enable your devices to connect to your iPhone hotspot through Bluetooth. If not, choose the second option to make your iPhone hotspot available through WiFi and USB only.

Once you had made your selection, you will see the following screen:

Cropped Personal Hotspot screen with Personal Hotspot turned on

You can then connect your devices through WiFi by following the first instruction:

Personal Hotspot instruction to connect using WI-FI

How to change the password for the WiFi Personal hotspot on your iPhone

To change the password, tap Wi-Fi Password on the Personal Hotspot screen:

Wi-Fi Password option of Personal Hotspot screen boxed

Once you are in the Wi-Fi Password screen, type in your new Password and tap Done:

Cropped Wi-Fi Password screen with text field to fill in password and Done link and button boxed

After you had done so, the WiFi password for your iPhone Personal Hotspot will be changed to the new password.

About Clivant

Clivant a.k.a Chai Heng enjoys composing software and building systems to serve people. He owns and hopes that whatever he had written and built so far had benefited people. All views expressed belongs to him and are not representative of the company that he works/worked for.