Articles about Raspberry Pi Zero W

A Raspberry Pi Zero W is a single-board computer that is half the size of a credit card. In addition to its small form factor, it comes with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth inbuilt.

Given these points, it is a piece of computing device that you should consider for building small and portable projects.

On this page, you will find articles related to Raspberry Pi Zero W. Topics include ways to build your own Raspberry Pi Zero W security camera, preparing a Raspberry Pi Zero W for running Python 3 applications and more.

How to connect Raspberry Pi camera module to Raspberry Pi Zero W and the official case

Equipped with a wireless LAN and priced at only $10, I see the Raspberry Pi Zero W as a good candidate for a low cost CCTV that I can deploy at my house for surveillance purposes. With the arrival of my Raspberry Pi Zero W and the official case, I could free up the Raspberry Pi 3 that I had been using for home surveillance for other projects.

This post documents how I connect my Raspberry Pi camera module to my Raspberry Pi Zero W and the official case.